Human Resource Management Practices at the National thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) in India
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB073
Case Length : 24 Pages
Period : 2000-2005
Pub. Date : 2005
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : National Thermal Power Corporation
Industry : Utilities
Countries : India
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The Future
Analysts were, however, apprehensive of whether the company would be able to maintain the same kind of performance in the years ahead.
They pointed out that NTPC had enjoyed a near-monopoly till the 1990s but with increasing competition from private sector players like Reliance Energy Ltd. and Tata Power Company Ltd., it could become tough for the company to keep up its record in future. It had become all the more important for the company to attract the best talent to be able to realize its ambitions of becoming a complete energy company spanning thermal, hydel,
nuclear and bio-power, generating 40,000 MW of power by 2012 and entering the
Fortune 500 listing by 2017. They added that with areas like IT, banking,
pharmaceuticals and biotechnology etc. in the private sector emerging as
preferred sectors for employment, the company would have to gear up to refine
its recruiting and retaining strategies.
One of NTPC's senior manager agreed, "I would not recommend NTPC
for young, aggressive fast trackers. They might end up getting disillusioned in
2-3 years time."
However, others at the company pointed out that NTPC could not allow highly
accelerated career growth due to the company's stable career policy. The company
felt that job security had some advantages.
It enabled considerable stability at the company and therefore employees were
stress-free and could give their best to the company. However, the company had
been taking steps to attract people who preferred faster career growth...
Exhibit I: Great Places to Work Companies For 2004
Exhibit II: Awards Won by NTPC
Exhibit III: Attrition at NTPC
Exhibit IV: Corporate Plan at NTPC
Exhibit V: Vision Statement and Core Values at NTPC: 1996
Exhibit VI: Turnaround of NTPC (1992- 2000)
Exhibit VII: Unchahar Project at Uttar Pradesh
Exhibit VIII: Vision Statement and Core Values at NTPC: 2000
Exhibit IX: A.T. Kearney Recommendations for NTPC
Exhibit X: Corporate Objectives
Exhibit XI: NTPC's Recruitment Ad for Engineers
Exhibit XII: Activities of PMI
Exhibit XIII: Award Details
Exhibit XIV: Key Financial Indicators
Exhibit XV: Employee Cost Summary